Sexual dysfunctions
Sex is beneficial for humans. In addition to providing pleasure, improving our relationships and making us happier, there are also many physiological benefits. Sex lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, relieves pain, improves sleep and reduces the risk of heart disease. Therefore, the occurrence of sexual dysfunctions is not only an individual problem but also an aspect that affects the general societal health.
The function of sex
Simply speaking, the desire for sex can be found in our head and the function in our genitals. The brain is sometimes called the body's largest sexual organ. When everything is working smoothly, our desire activates our genitals, leading to an increase in blood flow and lubrication of our mucous membranes. This is created by the release of specific hormones, nerve signals and increased blood circulation, together with psychological components in the brain, and requires healthy organs to work properly. But it is a sensitive mechanism where perhaps a single word, a disturbing sound or thought can completely destroy the sexual experience.
Sexual dysfunction
It is normal that our sexual desire varies throughout life and from day to day and it is not possible to expect the body to always function as a well-oiled machine. But when you experience continuous impaired sexual ability and loss of function and this leads to suffering, it is termed sexual dysfunction. Examples of common problems that may arise are lowered sex drive, erection problems, decreased sensation in the genitals, premature ejaculation and problems with getting an orgasm.
The two most common dysfunctions for men are erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.